North Park Estates Neighborhood Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

Saturday May 14, 2005.


May 14, 2005 Minutes for NPENA general meeting/picnic.


Approximately 35 members attended North Park Estates Neighborhood Association annual meeting. , held at Seller’s home.


Larie Amsler, Vice President, opened the meeting asking for motion to approve 2004 Annual meeting minutes.  Motion was made to approve the minutes and was seconded and approved.


Jessica Currie presenting the financial report as follows:

Treasury balance dated of May 14 was $3061.30, which included reserves for Entrance sign $1,885, flower fund $143.17 and general fund 1033.13.


(Note:  After meeting Jessica Currie tallied today’s receipts as follows:

Today's totals add up as follows

$80.00 membership dues received

$475.00 in donations ($200 of which was donated by Oracle.  Refer to footnote)

$233.00 silent auction proceeds

$127 turned in by Mary Allen in envelope but logged after picnic

 Grand total in Entrance sign fund $2720.00)


A discussion followed on election of slate of officers nominated by members at large for 2005 beginning in October.  Motion to elect officers from nomination slate was seconded and approved by members present as follows



President- Dale Sellers
Vice President-Jessica Currie
Secretary- Mary Allen

Treasurer-Larie Amsler

Motion to elect members at large was seconded and approved by members present for:


A.J. Walker
Gene & Lou McCoy
Wes Allen

Preston & Shirley Cook
Carol Fritz

Gretta Sellers

Pat Huffstudler


Motion presented by Jessica Currie to designate no more than $500 from general fund for entrance sign.  Discussion followed that we would wait until the exact amount is determined to finish the entrance signs Funds remain in savings account until required for entrance sign.  (Additional Contributions for entrance sign were received at the general meeting,  including silent auction proceeds.


Discussion followed on boundary of NPENA, described as within Austin Park Lane, Knollpark, Eubank Drive, North Bend to Lamar and South to Braker/ Austin Park Lane. 

NPENA encourages adjacent streets to join the association if the street elects to do so.


City of Austin Parking ordnance was discussed with respect to abandoned or inoperable cars.  If such vehicles are observed, any resident of North Park Estates may call 311 or 974-2000 with color, make, and license tag.  Generally, an inoperable vehicle can be removed if left on street or driveway more than 3 days.  Discussion followed on fence bordering the neighborhood at Braker Lane.  Larie Amsler mentioned that Steve, a city representative, acknowledged that fence needs replaced when city money can be found for that purpose.


Larie Amsler provided list of phone numbers for neighbor to use for contact of local government officials to report problems under local government jurisdiction for resolution.  Everyone urged to contact city officials when specific items need to be brought to their attention, such as replacing the fence along Braker Lane.. 


Jessica mentioned proposal for the neighborhood zoning to purchase City of Austin codebook.  Walt Esquivel mentioned interest in sidewalk on Lamar to Albertsons.  Dale Sellers mentioned that Lamar at Braker is under jurisdiction of Texas Department of Transportation.  Walt Esquivel will inquire as to accessibility of city code from city web site before decision is made on purchase of Austin Codebook.  See footnote below on web link references referenced in neighborhood forum.


Motion made by Jessica Currie for board to pursue sidewalk and drainage and charge board to look into provided drainage.  Motion seconded and approved.


Lou & Gen McCoy brought to the attention of the association that a zoning change on North Lamar was being brought to the City of Austin that will affect our neighborhood.  They were advised to get a petition signed by all persons within 300 feet of the proposed property then the Neighborhood would support the effort to stop the zoning change.


Larie Amsler suggested photos of drainage problems be used to present to city problem areas.  Lou and Gen McCoy volunteered to provide the photos for this purpose.


A.J. Walker advised that an attorney is reviewing the by-laws.


Motion made to adjourn, which was seconded and approved.





1. Mary Allen advised that Oracle had given us $200 for our new entrance signs.  She advised the Oracle manager that we would let our neighbors know how generous Oracle had been in helping us on this project.

2.  Walt  Esquivel response on access to city code at city’s web site can be found on NPENA forum:

click on left top button to enter NPENA forum to read Walt Esquivel response:

“Austin City Code: Report from Walt Esquivel by sammy amsler · May 16, 05 - 6:49 PM”


Board meeting dates are located at:



The next scheduled board meeting is July 26th.


Board minutes can review at:



Bylaws may be reviewed at:


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