North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association minutes

Saturday, May 1, 2004

May 1, 2004 Minutes for NPENA general meeting/picnic.



North Park Estates Neighborhood Association members counted as 23 adults and two children attended the Annual Picnic held at Mrs. Johnson’s place on 11301 Eubank. 


David Nuhn, President, opened the meeting with Jessica Curry presenting the financial report.  Membership was 98 with two additions for 2003.  Treasury balance dated of 4/29 was $1,218.52.  Flower Fund reserve is being set up separately.  Earlier flower fund expenses were applied against the general account.


David Nuhn discussed the by-laws and a quorum of 20% of membership was acknowledged as present for the general meeting. 


A discussion followed on election of slate of officers.  Leota Means made a motion for current officers to be re-elected for affirmation in October and that the Cooks be nominated for vote as members at large.  Motion seconded and passed. 


Discussion followed on amending the by-laws for:

1)            Renaming North Park Estates Homeowners Association.  to North Park Estates  Neighborhood Association.

2)            Language/misspelling needs to be cleaned up.

3)         A committee needs to study amending or re-writing the by-laws.


Carol Fritz made a motion to create a committee to review/revise by-laws.  Motion seconded and passed.


Greta Sellers made motion for committee to include review of deed restrictions as well as by-laws to "re-think" corrections consistent with changed conditions in the neighborhood.  Motion carried and passed.

David Nuhn appointed A.J. Walker for chairing a committee to conduct study for reviewing and making recommendations to amend/revise the by-laws as well as review and make recommendations on deed restrictions.  The by-laws need is to establish what we really want to be doing within the neighborhood.  In addition, 1966 city deed restrictions need to be examined for updates.


Sam Amsler presented need for telephone tree for those not having e-mail access.  Jessica Currie mentioned that Block Captain’s handbook contains mechanics for a neighborhood telephone tree.


Carol Fritz brought attention to need for planning neighborhood night out.  David Nuhn responded that the board would discuss the schedule in later meeting.


Dale Sellers described run-down condition of house on Apollo and a need to press city to take action through individual calls.  A.J. Walker responded that the board needs to take action.  The association has more power with the city then a single homeowner reporting the problem.


Sam Means questioned parking of travel trailers as related to the parking ordnance, which was distributed to all members at the meeting.


A.J. mentioned restriction of not more than 45% of impervious cover within property line boundary.


Motion made by Larie Amsler to adjorn.  Motion carried by vote to adjourn.





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The next scheduled board meeting is July 27th.


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