North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

tuesday March 28, 2006


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included: Members present

Board Officers
Vice President-Jessica Currie
Secretary- Mary Allen
Treasurer-Larie Amsler

Members at Large

Pat Huffstutler

Wes Allen

Carol Fritz


Sammy Amsler




The Board Meeting was held at Wes and Mary Allen´s home Tuesday, March 28, 2006. Attendance indicated above.


 Call to Order.


The Vice-President, Jessica Currie, called the meeting to order and passed out the agenda.




1. The Minutes of the last meeting were on the website and those who had reviewed them approved them.


2. Larie Amsler then gave the Treasurer's Report.


Entrance Sign Balance


Flower Fund


Dues Fund














Since the last meeting, $20.00 had been spent on flowers for Connie Gross. Larie Amsler reported that she had taken flowers from the neighborhood association over to the house on Gemini where Pat Lancaster had lived, as she passed away recently.Larie felt badly that she had not taken the flowers earlier, and wanted to bear the cost of the flowers herself but the flowers were apparently picked up by the family and the Board insisted that Larie reimburse herself for the cost of the flowers. New lists of contributors to the Entrance Sign Fund were presented to the Entrance Sign Committee. The Treasurer´s report was approved.




1. The Entrance Sign Committee reported the engineer reported that he had checked with the city´s permit department head on Friday, March 24th, and was told that the permits should be released this week. The engineer´s bill of over $818. was given to the Treasurer to pay. This amount was not planned in the budget for the sign, so additional contributions to the sign fund may be needed.


2. The neighborhood Garage Sale to be held on April 22nd, from 8:00a.m. to 1:00 p.m. was discussed. It was decided that signs would be placed at the entrances to the neighborhood, and that each household having a garage sale should post their own sign on their lot and perhaps at the corner of their street (with the property owner´s permission). Other advertisements would be on Craig´s List, and perhaps other inexpensive or free places.


3. The annual neighborhood association picnic and meeting on May 6th was then discussed and it was decided that the association would provide BBQ brisket, tea, lemonade, bread, ice, plates, utensils and napkins. Participants would bring covered dishes to add to the meal. We called the Sellers on their cell phone and obtained permission to hold the picnic meeting in the shady backyard of their home. Dues for this year will be due at that meeting. It was decided that the newsletter will announce a Silent Auction to be held at the picnic, with the proceeds going to the Entrance Sign Fund. The newsletter will encourage people to bring whatever worthy items they have left unsold from the Neighborhood Garage Sale to offer at the Silent Auction.


4. The zoning case having to do with the development of the property at Braker Lane and Parkfield was next on the agenda. It seems that the zoning of LR originally excluded fast food, but that the City´s regulations have changed and now it includes that. Therefore it was

felt that we can "fight" the fast food aspect of the development, and perhaps the church across the street can protest against liquor sales. Carol Fritz volunteered to work with the church on this matter. She encouraged people to individually ask City Council members who are running for re-election - such as Brewster McCracken and Will Wynn to oppose the development of the Shell gas station, and Church´s chicken, especially the drive-thru and the liquor sales aspect of the development. There is a neighborhood petition circulating, and a version of it will be taken around by those who will deliver the soon-to-be produced neighborhood association newsletter.


5. The newsletter will include most of the above news, but as Jessica Currie´s computer is malfunctioning, the newsletter may not be produced this coming weekend, as previously hoped for.


There was no other old business.




1. Larie Amsler reported that the wooden fence along Braker Lane Larie had had rotten and damaged wood slats replaced and that whereas it doesn´t look good, it is the best the City could do, since replacing the whole thing was not in the budget for 2006.


2. A motion to adjourn was made by Larie Amsler and seconded by Wes Allen, and the vote to adjourn was unanimous.





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