North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included:

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
 Members at Large-
 Dale Sellers
 Carol Fritz
 A.J. Walker
 Nancy Miner

 Louis & Gene McCoy


Members absent:

Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Tom  Miner
Maria Mayer
Greta Sellers

Bob Young

Virginia Young


Board meeting was held at David Nuhn’s home Tuesday March 23, 2004.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Old Business:


  1. Garage Sale discussion regarding date and signs was followed by:
    1. Motion approved $40 to prepare garage sale signs.  (Dale Sellers coordinating preparation of signs).
    2. Motion approved to set garage sale date and time as April 24 from 8 am to 1 pm.
    3. Motion approved  $12.00 for 3 or 4 day advertisement in Austin American (Sam Amsler to coordinate submission of  Neighborhood Garage Sale Ad.
    4. Motion to advertise in flyer/newsletter a voluntary contribution to flower fund of $5.00 in exchange for placing garage sale addresses on map back side of Garage Sale flyer.
  2. Annual meeting discussion was followed by:
    1. Motion approved to schedule Saturday, May 1  at 11 a.m
    2. Discussion on tables resulted in those present volunteering to obtain tables for the meeting following by potluck lunch.
  3. Larie Amsler brought up the cutting of trees for high power lines right-of-way in Gracy Woods.
  4. Discussion on block captains:
    1. Dan Gorten is added to block captains list for Circle Bend..  Posting of block captains on web site pending agreements of block captains to do so.  (If listed in Newsletter, we will omit uploading newsletter to web site.)
    2. Note: Block Captains handbooks will be ordered in time for the annual meeting based on previous board approval of $50 for this purpose.
  5. Motion was approved to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.


New  Business:

            Discussion on marking of trees for high power line right of way.


Draft of these minutes distributed by e-mail 3/24/2004 11:15 AM for comment of Board members.


Minutes are subject to approval at next board meeting.

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