July 29, 2003 Minutes

North Park Estates Neighborhood Association

Board minutes July 29, 2003


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association including

President- David Nuhn *
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Members at Large-
 Dale  Sellers
Carol Fritz
 Virginia Young

Members at Large absent:

A.J. Walker
Greta Sellers

Maria Mayer
Tom & Nancy Miner
Bob Young

Louis & Gene McCoy

was held at July 29, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Old Business:

1.  Virginia Young made motion to approve 5/24/03 meeting.  Motion carried and approved.


2.  Jessica Curry gave Treasurer’s Report showing balance of $1,320.48.  Carol Fritz made motion to approve treasurer’s report and motion carried and approved.


3 David Nuhn presented to board the Velocity zoning variation (file Number C14-03-0075) http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/agenda/2003/zap_052003.htm for Velocity Credit Union, 11208 Plains Trail.  Virginia Young mentioned traffic backup during the school year.


4.  Lawn Parking Ordinance was discussed and due to take effect April 2004.


5.  North Austin Muslim Community request House plans to build Mosque and are obtaining variance for rebuilding.  David Nuhn discussed support contingent on not having loud speakers.  The Muslim Community described other ways.  Board supports the Mosques contingent on no neighborhood broadcast.


New Business:

  1. City of Austin Public hearing will be held Monday August 25, 2003, to receive comments and concerns from interested parties as they relate to the Austin Police Department’s ability to meet those standards to maintain accreditation statues from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).  Re-accreditation every three years...Question posed is how has APD been treating our neighborhood.. David Nuhn noted the last paragraph of City of Austin letter of July 25, 2003 whereby the web site www.calea.org may be visited for more information.  David Nuhn wants to talk to Max Wesbrook, regarding our neighborhood.  Carol Fritz mentioned APD neighborhood meetings.


Larie Amsler asked what effect Rundberg/I35 police prevention of prostitution and drugs.


David Nuhn mention North Park is within Northwest hills, Braker Lane, N Lamar to Palmer.  David Nuhn will do research on web page http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/police/ for next meeting agenda.


Carol fritz mentioned quarterly forum.



  1. Bylaws:

a)       Examine changing organization name to North Park Neighborhood association from North Park Estates Home Owner’s association.

b)      David Knuhn recommended study for next meeting to select sub-committed for name change.


  1. Virginia Young inquired if we had any contact with adjacent Neighborhood associations.


  1. David Nuhn posed the question” What do we do to encourage group interest in neighborhood concerns?


  1. Carol Fritz discussed possibly 2 streets for neighborhood night out encouraging neighbors on more than one street to get together.



  1. Calendar organization was requested by Dale Sellers to lay out organization by including items that we could reasonably expect to achieve.


  1. Dale Sellers suggested raffle as basis to encourage people to attend joint meetings to improve neighborhood.  Dale asked to have a special meeting to have APD involved.


  1. Sign at entrance.


  1. Next meeting is scheduled September 30th.  Board’s concern is what do we need to do.  Some suggestions: 


a)       Quarterly newsletter.  Dale Sellers emphasized need for calendar with deadlines of meetings including “things to do list.” 

b)      Suggestion was made to include a password-protected database of members list with names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers for those members who concurred. 

  1. David Nuhn mentioned a follow up study on Speed Bumps


  1. Motion made to adjourn was seconded and motion passed.











Minutes submitted by:  Sam Amsler-Secretary


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