North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, JULY 27, 2004


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included:

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie

 Members at Large-
 Dale Sellers
 Tom  Miner
 Maria Mayer
 A.J. Walker
 Louis & Gene McCoy
Virginia Young


Members absent:

Greta Sellers

Bob Young

Carol Fritz

Nancy Miner



Board meeting was held at David Nuhn’s home Tuesday July 27, 2004.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Old Business:


  1. Introductions of attendees.
  2. Minutes:  Minutes of May 1 meeting were read by Sam Amsler and A.J. Walker made motion to approve minutes as read.  Motion seconded and approved.
  3. Treasure’s report:  Jessica Currie presented treasurer’s report stating account balance as $1,246.89, including $114.00 flower fund balance. Larie Amsler presented motion to approve treasurer’s report, which was seconded and approved.
  4. New Business: 
    1. By-laws:  Discussion followed on revising the bylaws and revisiting deed restrictions.  A.J.  Walker stated that when a problem exists on restrictions, that problem should be reported to the city.  A.J. researched a number of neighborhood association by-laws on internet  and observed that NPNA by-laws followed a similar pattern.  NPENA by-laws require removing language in by-laws and language that would be in conflict with the city of Austin.  Discussion followed on distinction between neighborhood association and homeowner’s association.  Discussion followed as to change of language in by-laws to rename North Park Estates Homeowners Association to North Park Estates Neighborhood Association.  Tom Miner presented motion to rename North Estates Park Home Owner’s Association to North Park Estates Neighborhood Association.  Motion was seconded and approved.
    2. Jessica Currie requested  financial support for August 3 Neighborhood Night Out parties.  Jessica described need of $250 for block captain’s manual and other expenses for NNO.  A.J. Walker made motion for amount up to $250 be approved for these purposes.  Motion seconded and approved.  Jessica will publish flyer for NNO scheduled for August 3rd.
    3. Annual general meeting is scheduled for October 23 at 11:00 A.M.  After business meeting, BBQ and covered dishes will be shared. The members at large will present slate of officers for election at the annual meeting.
    4. Next board meeting is scheduled September 28th at 6:30 p.m. at the Sellers Home 1106 Gemini.  
    5. Larie Amsler mentioned clearance of city right of way on Braker Lane from Austin park Lane East.  The grass was cut in the right of way by  work order called in to the City Forestry Dept at 974-2000.  Dale Sellers asked about the house on Apollo.  Larie Amsler responded that she contacted city with respect to the condition of tarp on roof, but the city would not take action since the tarp blended with roof.
    6. Question of neighborhood security was posed.  No recent break-ins were noted.  Although out of neighborhood persons have been seen cycling in the neighborhood.
    7. Maria Myers mention death of Jo Ann Dealing on 1105 Rebecca Discussion followed regarding Block Captain’s form which provides for identifying older residents in the neighborhood, as to nearest of kin, etc.
    8. Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved.







Board meeting dates are located at:



The next scheduled board meeting is September 28, 2004th.


Board minutes can review at:



Bylaws may be reviewed at:






Sam Amsler,
Secretary NPENA


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