North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included:  Members present

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Members at Large-
A.J. Walker
 Preston & Shirley Cook
 Dale Sellers

Nancy Miner


Visitors included

Walt Esquivel, Block Captain Hunt Ridge & Hunt Ridge Cir.

Alton Mutschink, Block Captain of Rebecca


*Land Owner, Lu Minh-Duc,

Larry Nelson, Larry Nelson (construction) Company,

And Michael Wilson of Garrett-Ihnen Civil Engineers.


Absent Members at large:

Gene & Lou McCoy
Wes & Mary Allen

Carol Fritz



Board meeting was held at Amsler’s home Tuesday July 26.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.



Call to Order/Introductions



  1. * Owner and engineers presented proposed plans to develop Oriental shopping center from corner of Braker and North Lamar (south of Braker) to property adjacent to school.  Motion was made, seconded and for David Nuhn to prepare letter in support of this new development.
  2.  Treasurer reported balance of $4,566.21 within that amount is flower fund of $123.19, Entrance Sign fund of $3,258.92.  Balance general fund is 1184.10.
  3. Signs:  Plans submitted to city for approval.
  4. Neighborhood night out discussion included plans for at least three areas and possibly four.  Motion was made, seconded, and approved for contributing $25 for each block party.
  5.  Discussion followed on clean up Austin Park Lane near Braker Lane/ Austin park Lane entrance. 



  1. Jessica Currie will publish newsletter announcing NNO for August 8th.


  1. Motion made to adjourn was seconded and passed.



Board meeting dates are located at:


Archived Board minutes can be reviewed at:




C:\!!WEBBASED\!!aawwSITES\!northpark_na\minutes\NPENA_July 2605.Doc

Revised 7/27/2005 7:05 AM

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