May 24, 2003 Minutes

North Park Estates

Neighborhood Assoc.


The annual membership meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association was held on May 24, 2003, at Mrs. Johnson’s home at the East end of Old Braker Lane.  The President, Jessica Currie, called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.


Prior to the meeting members of the Mosque on N Lamar (next to Brentwood) visited with neighbors and presented their plan to remodel the area and build a new mosque.  Speaking on behalf of their organization was Saleem Jahenguer- President (736-4306); and Mohamed Albedaiwi, VP (826-4422) The site plan was shared with all and an announcement for an open house in June was made.  The open house date and time will be announced at a later time after setting a date with other neighborhoods in the area.  The Mosque will be built on a 5-acre area, they are now applying for permissions from the City.


NPE neighbors expressed concerns regarding outdoor loud speakers.  They assured us that they have discontinued the use of loud speakers and that they have advised the congregation of the same.  But if by any reason a new member makes use of the loud speaker, they encourage us to call them directly and they will remedy the situation.  They offered their meeting room for our Neighborhood meetings (dress code prohibits shorts for men and women), as part of their plant to become an integral part of our community.


Neighbors asked questions related to the construction, height of the buildings, etc. The consensus was favorable to the construction of the Mosque as planned.




1.       Treasurer’s report- Larie Amsler has been collecting the $5 annual membership dues prior to and during the meeting.  The balance in the account to date is $1,102.16.  Larie presented the recurrent expenses for the association:  $100 for the mailbox, $60 for the printing of the last newsletter (prior newsletters have been printed free of charge) and the picnic for the annual meeting. She thanked all neighbors who paid their fees prior or during the meeting.


2.      The floor was open for nominations for vacant Board positions.



David Nuhn, President                   Larie Amsler Vice President

Sam Amsler, Secretary                   Jessica Currie Treasurer


AJ Walker; Dale Sellers; Carol Fritz;  Maria Mayer;  Virginia Young; Tom Miner 


Motion by Val Leite to accept the slate of  officers as presented, seconded by Ms. Jeanette Walker.  Motion passed.



4.      As announced on the May 2003 newsletter the City has given neighborhoods the option to vote whether they want to be included to participate on Ordinance 020829-58.  The ordinance prohibits parking of motor vehicles  on side and front yards. Jessica explained that the only time it will be enforced is when a neighbor calls the police to complaint about a violation.  The violator would be given a parking ticket with a fine of $20 - $40.  Laurie counted the results of the votes received prior to and during the meeting: 


          47 “Y” and 5 “N”.  The result of the votes will be presented to the City Counsel


5.      It was reported that 3 houses have been broke into recently in our neighborhood.  Jessica explained that if we want to be part of the City Neighborhood Watch program, we must have block captains.  Currently Board members distribute the newsletter in their assigned areas, those areas could be a good start to select the block captains if people were interested.  No one expressed interest in following up with the Neighborhood Watch program.


6.      Jessica opened the floor to members to express their concerns.  Traffic Calming- Once again was discussed.  Some neighbors requested that Jessica look into lowering the bump on the north side of N Bend, as it appears to be higher than the others.  Other neighbors expressed that the bumps the way they are do not discourage some individuals from speeding through out the neighborhood.  Others are quite happy with the bumps.  However, everyone agreed that it would had been better to have a 4-way stop sign at Eubanks and N Bend instead.


7.      Maria Mayer make a motion to adjourned the meeting after we all enjoyed the delicious dishes brought by the neighbors and the customary tasty BBQ from AJ.  Virginia Young seconded the motion.


Minutes submitted by: 

Maria Mayer-  



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