North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

saturday, october 22, 2005


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included: Members present

Former Board Officers

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie


Members at Large
A.J. Walker
Dale and Greta Sellers

Pat Huffstutler

Gene & Lou McCoy

Wes & Mary Allen


Absent Members:
Preston & Shirley Cook
Nancy Miner

Carol Fritz


New Board Officers

President- Dale Sellers
Vice President-Jessica Currie
Secretary- Mary Allen

Treasurer-Larie Amsler

Members at Large present:

A.J. Walker
Gene & Lou McCoy
Wes Allen

Pat Huffstutler

Greta Sellers


Members at Large absent:

Preston & Shirley Cook

Carol Fritz


A Board meeting was held at Wes and Mary Allen¹s home Saturday, October 21st, 2005. Attendance indicated above.


The President, David Nuhn, began the meeting by passing a lit candle to Dale Sellers, symbolizing transferring the torch of authority from one President to the next, and from former officers and members to new officers and members. He then thanked various people for their efforts and accomplishments in the past year. He outlined some of the accomplishments of the past year which included the following:

* Police action in our area has reduced crime; we have had the highest number of patrol officers in north central Austin .
* The gathering of neighbors at Neighborhood Night Out has helped to bring our neighborhood together.          

*Significant reduction in the negative impact of a homeowner with less than desirable maintenance of his property.

*Progress on getting the Entrance Signs replaced.


New President Dale Sellers thanked Jessica, Laurie, A.J., Sammy, David, Mary and Wes, and Gene and Lou for all their efforts.He commented it takes all of us together to make the neighborhood association work best. Dale wants to accomplish the following while serving the neighborhood: improve the fence on Braker, improve NNO, keep the Best Christmas Decoration Contest going, get the neighborhood watch back on track, organize the block captains, follow zoning changes, clean up the trash in the neighborhood, get a newsletter backup and get everyone more involved as a community.


Call to Order.


  1. Larie Amsler gave the Treasurer¹s report. The Entrance Sign fund has $3503.92, the Flower fund has $143.19, and the General Fund has $615.00.  She noted that the $615.00 in the General Fund could go quickly and that we may need to have a fund raiser if that seems necessary. It was proposed by Wes Allen that if there is money left over from the Entrance Sign fund, that we might transfer that leftover money to the General Fund if approved at the next General Meeting in May.
  2. There was discussion about a future newsletter to be put out around November 15th concerning Christmas decorations and a contest centering around that.  A committee composed of Gene McCoy as Chairwoman and Pat Huffstutler as Member was appointed to choose prize categories and to seek prize donations from nearby businesses.
  3. Sign Committee Report by Mary Allen. Copies of preliminary plans prepared by Alan Rhames, Engineer, were handed out and discussed. A change in the footprints will be necessary as the current signs extend about 8 feet into the City of Austin right of way, and the new signs will need to be built out of the right of way.
  4. Significant discussion ensued about creating sign holders to be placed in the medians on North Bend and possibly Austin Park Lane to hold poster boards announcing upcoming neighborhood activities. Dale Sellers agreed to chair a committee to work on the details of this project. (Who else agreed to be on it?)
  5. David Nuhn moved that the meeting adjourn and Lou McCoy seconded.The vote was unanimous. A covered dish lunch followed.



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