~by Susie Milam
Those of us who have lived in this neighborhood
a while take some things for granted, that newcomers to the neighborhood might
not know about. Repetition is sometimes a good thing, so this information is
for newcomers to the area.
Allied Waste/BFI does six bulky waste collections a year on 10 streets
selected by NACA. This supplements the two collections done by the City each
year, and is a major benefit for a neighborhood with a high transiency rate. In
May, streets in the Galewood/Colony Creek area will be the designated pickup
area. If you feel your street could benefit from an extra collection, please
let me know (491-9159).
NACA residents are invited to sell their aluminum cans and
plastic bottles to BFI at their recycling plant located at 10420 Metric,
and the money goes to support our own neighborhood street cleanup project.
Funds purchase grabbers, bags, and water, and in the last year have been
sufficient to donate some funds to the cost of publishing the monthly
In the last 12 months [as of
May, 2008], we have sold 1,438 pounds of cans and bottles to BFI, and received
$407.15. There are approximately 26 aluminum cans or 21 plastic bottles in a
pound, so NACA residents and BFI have kept roughly 33,793 items out of the
landfill or the river. Way to go!!
When you take your regular
walks in the neighborhood, take along a plastic bag and pick up trash you see
along the way. The bending over adds to your exercise regimen, and removing the
trash adds to the attractiveness of the area. If you're really ambitious (or,
some would say, obsessive), take two bags and put trash in one bag and
recyclable cans and bottles in the other.
Cycled Plastics (10200
McKalla Place, off Rutland, near Burnet) takes donations of a whole array of
plastic materials, including PET #3-6 (like clamshell boxes, for example),
Styrofoam, bubble wrap, plastic film, and corrugated plastic sheet. Leave
donations Mon-Fri, 8 am to 4 pm.
Neighborhood Cleanup Once a month, a group of NACA
neighbors get together to pick up trash in the neighborhood. We and Keep Austin
Beautiful supply bags, gloves, grabbers, and safety vests; all you have to do
is show up. Please join us for the scheduled 2008/2009 pickup dates.
