Correspondence with David Wahlgren

Below is the summary of an email chain between Ramon Treviņo (HH-W NA Pres.) and David Wahlgren (City of Austin Development Services Process Coordinator, Watershed Protection & Development Review Dept.) following the May 15 Zoning and Platting Commission meeting during which the Commission heard the preliminary plan for the proposed Furness Dr. development. Treviņo's comments or questions are in italics, and Wahlgren's answers are in quotes.

Mr. Wahlgren, could you summarize for me the outcome of the Commission's actions on the Furness Dr. development?

The preliminary plan was approved. The applicant agreed to wait until the staff had begun a zoning change application for SF-6 zoning (the City would be doing this..not the applicant). When the zoning case starts the applicant may file a final plat (this is what is filed to lock in the preliminary plan). The final plat and the zoning case would run through the process at about the same speed. The only benefit of SF-6 zoning is that it allows the applicant to do 2 unit condos on each lot if he chooses to go that route. Nothing would block the duplexes if he chose to go that route.

1) Can we have any input in the rest of this process?
2) Why was it not possible for us or the Commission to have real input up to this point?
The answer to the second question is still unclear to the members of the neighborhood, but that is probably because we don't understand the process. We assumed that a change in platting should have to be approved (not merely rubber stamped) by the Zoning and Platting Commission (as the name implies). Apparently, the law needs to change (my opinion), and I realize that this may not be easy to do. Nonetheless, don't count us out on that last regard. We live in a tough part of town, and we don't usually give up very easily.

1) Can we have any input in the rest of this process?
You can have input on the zoning case because zoning is a discretionary action (it will go before both the Zoning and Platting Commission and the City Council). Everyone who lives within 300 feet of the site (ownership per Travis County Tax Assessor) will receive notice for each of the hearings. The final plat (after it's filed) is available for all to see, but like the preliminary plan, if it can meet all City and State requirements the City is required to approve it.

2) Why was it not possible for us or the Commission to have real input up to this point?
State Law, known as the Local Government Code section 212.010. regulates subdivisions. In short it says, if the plat/plan meets all the City and State requirements the municipality must approve it. So, if you were in Dallas, El Paso, or Houston...any Texas City, the same would apply. Because there is no discretion, it either meets code or it does not meet code. If it meets code the Commission must approve it.


Flyer flyer
In early April, many neighbors along Furness received notice from the City of Austin that city staff had recommended approval of a slightly revised plan for developing the property along Furness and north of Hart Elementary School down to Hermitage. (This issue was first discussed in our October, 2006 neighborhood association meeting.) The Zoning and Platting Commission was scheduled to have the preliminary hearing about this issue on April 17. The Heritage Hills - Woodbridge Neighborhood Association (HH-W NA) requested a postponement of the hearing, and the developer agreed. So, the Commission rescheduled the hearing until their next meeting on Tuesday, May 15, starting at 6PM.

The Facts

Let the webmaster know of any erroneous/misleading facts.

How it affects YOUR neighborhood

The following have been collected from emails on this subject

What You Can Do

Tell the City

Addresses along Furness and near the development on adjacent streets should have received "Public Hearing information forms" that included an option to express your objection to the proposed development. As of last week the city staff had received only ONE objection from anyone in our neighborhood. It only takes a minute to fill out the form, and send it in. If we don't do at least that much, the city staff and the Zoning and Platting Commission will assume that we have no objections to the development. The case number is C8-96-0159.01
IF YOU DID NOT GET A PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION FORM: You can e-mail your comments, referencing the case number, about the planned construction to David Wahlgren, the project manager at the city who's in charge of the duplexes proposal.
Quote from David Wahlgren (
70-80% of the letters we get in for any given case are just normal emails or letters written to the "Zoning and Platting Commission", with the case number on them and sent or emailed to me. You dont need any special form to comment on any case.
You may also mail your comments to the City at:
David Wahlgren ( )
Development Services Process Coordinator
City of Austin Watershed Protection & Development Review Dept.
P.O. Box 1088
Austin, TX  78704

Example objection letters

Attend the May 15th Meeting

There is strength in numbers, and the Zoning and Platting Commission was impressed by the number of people from the neighborhood at the hearing 1.5 years ago regarding the proposed 24-hour car wash at the corner of Furness and Rutherford. We can still positively influence how the property is developed, but WE have to all let the Commission know that we object to it in its current form. Only three neighbors showed up at the Commission's April 17 meeting. The next meeting is on May 15, 6:00 PM at City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Council Chambers, Room
It's just to the right of the main (south) entrance of City Hall.

Stay Informed

Join our neighborhood's email list
Revisit this webpage for status updates.
Come to the next neighborhood association meeting at Goodwill on May 24.