The Flight also awarded Daedalian Achievement Awards to ten high school JROTC programs. It is very rewarding to attend these ceremonies and see the future leaders of America and see what they have accomplished during their high school time period.

On April 11, 2014 Flight Captain Ron Butler went to Cypress Falls High School in Houston to present the Junior ROTC Achievement Award to Daedalian Award to Cadet Steffon Yarbrough.

Flight Captain Ron Butler, Steffon Yarbrough, JROTC Commander Major Timothy Nichols


On May 1, 2014 Lt. Col Ken Firestone attended the William B. Travis High School Navy Junior ROTC Awards Ceremony and presented the Junior ROTC Achievement Award to Daedalian Award to Midshipman Cadet Ofelio Martinez.


On May 23, 2014, Lt. Col Ken Firestone attended the Reagan High School Junior ROTC Awards Ceremony and presented the Junior ROTC Achievement Award to Daedalian Award to Cadet Miranda Stell.


On May 9, 2014 Flight Captain Ron Butler attended the Bowie High School AF JROTC Awards Program and presented the Achievement Award to Cadet Noelle LaGrone.


On May 10, 2014 Lt. Col. Ken Firestone attended the Leander High School AF JROTC Awards Ceremony and presented the Daedalian Achievement Award to Cadet Maranda Trujillo.

Lt. Col. Ken Firestone and Cadet Maranda Trujillo


On May 10, 2014 Flight Captain Ron Butler attended the Westwood High School AF JROTC Awards Ceremony and presented the Daedalian Achievement Award to Cadet Shauna Hwang.

Flight Captain Ron Butler and Cadet Shauna Hwang.