President's Corner

Alan J. Bojorquez

July/August 1998

Seattle was amazing. The city was magical, and the national conference was outstanding. The sessions were excellent, and there was a steady amount of business card swapping. The most exciting aspect was the perspective I gained regarding how CenTex fits into the big picture. We are considered an outstanding chapter because of our membership, fundraising, and contributions to national's policy development process.

As chapter president, I played a role in the policy process when I presented to the national assembly a resolution sponsored by CenTex regarding the need for pedestrian-friendly infrastructure. The resolution was drafted by Reuben Leslie, refined by the CenTex resolutions committee, and adopted by the board. The resolution was sent to ASPA's policy issues committee, where it was approved by a vote of 5-1. In Seattle, the resolution was approved by a majority of assembly delegates.

Another chapter presented a resolution calling for the adoption of a list of specific restrictions that prohibit all personal use of the Internet by public employees while at work. Period. Although I agree that ASPA members should not abuse services provided by their employers, I question the need to adopt an ethical code on Internet use. What about telephones, fax machines, copy machines, and pencils?

ASPA's current Code of Ethics provides sufficient guidance. In general, the code states that ASPA members shall serve the public interest, respect the law, and demonstrate personal integrity. More specifically, the code states that ASPA is committed to opposing all forms of discrimination and harassment, protecting priviledged information, and zealously guarding against conflicts of interest, including the misuse of public resources. If you're unfamiliar with the code, I encourage you to turn to the back cover of any issue of PAR.

At the heart of this Internet resolution is the type of fear and distrust of public employees that ASPA strives to dispel. At national, this resolution was referred to committee. Consequently, I have asked the CenTex resolutions commmittee to develop an official position for the chapter. If you are interested in participating, please contact Pat Shields, at (512) 245-2143.

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Published July 1998; Web version posted April 3, 1999

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